
Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Activity 2 : School strike for climate

Our planet earth is precious and can't be replaced.
We are temporarily sacrificing our educations to save our futures from dangerous climate change.
The earth wants a safe future and environment which means No Dangerous things,Pollution and sickness. Also everyone should enjoy our beautiful environment. I have looked after my environment by doing garden work and cleaning the area. I have also been cutting the grass so the lawn wont look dirty and long.
Image result for greta thunberg
Image result for Lawns


  1. Hey Tangi!

    Congrats on completing another Summer Learning Journey activity! I really enjoyed reading the touching story that you re-wrote. It's really sad whats happening all around the world, but there are people who are willing to make a change! What would you do to help with climate change?

    Keep up the amazing work!


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  3. Hey Tangimetua!

    Mikey here again. :)

    Well done on completing another activity! I'm so impressed by the amount of time and effort you're putting into working on the Summer Learning Journey programme - great work! :)

    It's sounds like you learnt quite a bit from the School Strike for Climate website. Isn't it amazing that so many young people are getting behind such an important cause. Was your school involved in the School Strike for Climate here in New Zealand?

    It's awesome to see that you're doing your bit to help protect the environment. I do little things like use a keep cup, a reusable drink bottle, reusable bags, bees wax wraps and shampoo/conditioner bars. One of my New Years resolutions is to volunteer more this year and help plant native trees and do rubbish pick-ups. Does your school do anything to help reduce the negative impact we're having on our environment?

    Have a fantastic day, Tangimetua. I can't wait to read more posts from you soon! :)

    Bye for now,


  4. Hej Tangimetua,

    That's awesome how you're doing all of that for the environment!! Are there anyother things you do or can do for the environment?



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