
Wednesday, 22 June 2016


today for maths we learnt about splitting numbers
we had to solve 75+9=84 .my answer was 84
Image result for mathsbecause you I took one from the 75 and put it on 9 to make 10 and 74 was the number saw I did the answer 84.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Our ears can hear differences in sound
Sounds can be louder or softer higher
Or lower.the louder the vibration
The louder the sound
The harder we strike blow
Pluck or scrape sound makes the

Image result for colours
Louder the sound it makes.


63 - 39 is 24 because i spited the 2nd number and split it into 30 and a 9 saw i did 63-30=33-9=24Image result for maths




Monday, 20 June 2016


Use a Balloon to Amplify Sound
Small sounds can still make a big noise when you use a good sound conductor. Experiment with a balloon, compressed air and your own ears to find out how it works and the science behind it.
What you'll need:
  • Balloon
  1. Blow up the balloon.
  2. Hold the balloon close to your ear while you tap lightly on the other side.

What's happening?
Despite you only tapping lightly on the balloon your ears can hear the noise loudly. When you blew up the balloon you forced the air molecules inside the balloon closer to each other. Because the air molecules inside the balloon are closer together, they become a better conductor of sound waves than the ordinary air around you.


Today for maths i've been learning a problem
Solving straighty

Friday, 17 June 2016

Te reo


noho: stay, sit, live

Kia tika te noho, e te tau.
Sit properly, my darling.

Image result for sitting kid

Thursday, 16 June 2016


63 - 39=24 because i splitted the 2nd number into
30 and a 9 then i did 63-30=33

Then i said 63 - 9 =24.

Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title:Make a purerehua
Author: Oho kaa

Today I read about making a purerehua

I feel Happy  about what I read today because i learnt how to make a purerehua

My favourite character was  hoana  Because she learned how to make instrument

I would feel happy if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because the instrument was perfect

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen she will write another Instrument.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Today for maths I learnt about
How to get big money.
498 + 127 =117

90 + 9 + 20 + 2=117

compare and constrast

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


Today for Maths i've been learning how to
Do tidy numbers.tidy numbers are 10 20 30 40.
Image result for MATHS

Monday, 13 June 2016

topic studies

Sound travels in a wave producing librations

We make sounds by actions such as
Striking blowing
Plucking and scraping

Sounds for sounds to be produced
Something needs to move

Three things need to be
Present for us to hear sound
A source that creates
The sound

A substance for the sound
A receiver to
Pick up the sound


Sarah has $88 in the bank.
She then deposits her pay
Cheque for $27 from her part
Time job at petcare.
How much does she have
88 + 27=115

Friday, 10 June 2016

Te Reo


pānui(tia): read

Reading Response Journal

Read your story. Create a reading response journal on a google document using the sentence starters. Share your reading response journal on your individual blog after you have edited it.
Reading Response Journal

Title:listening Through your teeth

Author:  patricia glensor

Today I read about making sounds with your teeth………..

I feel happy……… about what I read today because i learnt how to make music with your teeth

My favourite character was Sue………………. Because she was a teacher and she was a music teacher

I would feel …happy……………… if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because the teacher was good at making music

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen the teacher will make music…………...

Wednesday, 8 June 2016


Creating a story map is a way to help you understand and summarize the stories you read.  When you make a story map, you identify the basic story elements, such as the characters, setting, conflict, and important plot events.
Read your story. Create a story map using google docs under the headings on the template provided. Share your story map on your individual blog after you have edited it.
Story Map
Title:listen through your teeth
Author: Patricia Glensor
Setting:At Home
Conflict:The piano Had a tune And it had Good sounds.
Resolution: She fixed the piano with tools.

Beginning:the piano was clean and dusty.

Middle:the piano broke she used a tool.

End:she tuned the piano

Tuesday, 7 June 2016



today for maths I learnt about answer is 30 because half of 60 =30
Image result for clock 6 30